portrait of Cedric resting his head on his hand, gazing thoughtfully

"Waiting For Your Knight in Shining Armour?"


Personality Overview

A knight is what he calls himself, a king is what he thinks to himself to be. For his entire life, he followed the shadows of others, forced into his dangerous lifestyle. Whether it be controlled by dragons or ordered by humans, nothing changed. As he grew older, so did his leadership, slowly accending the ranks until his hands reached to the light, Evelyn. Cedric didn't know if his feelings for her were merely dragon instincts encoded in his bloodstream, but he was willing to make her his.

Cedric is charismatic and strong-willed, Cedric takes the initiative to achieve what he wants. He is a natural leader, prefering to be the only one who commands. In an unhealthy state, to defy people's attempt to control his life, Cedric becomes ruthless and dictatorial, descending to violence. Through his progressively violent tendencies, he develops an delusion about his power, seeing himself as invulnerable.

Half-body Armour Concept Design Full-body and Helmet Armour Concept Design
Smug expressioned head sketches of Cedric Ver 2.0 Armour Concept Design
Sideways pose of Kingdom Cedric holding sword Sideways pose of Mercenary Cedric holding Evelyn's shoulder
Cedric handing a red rose to Evelyn with his other hand on her waist
Full-Body Mercenary Cedric


From the moment Cedric was born, he was rejected from dragonkind for his every existence. Dragons saw half-bloods as abomination that did not carry the same spiritual intelligence as pure breeds. His parents were left as a mystery, which made no impact to him. The elder dragons activated his hibernation state, reverting him back to an egg, where he was sent to a lake. For years, he could only listen to the sounds of the birds chirping, occasionally the chatter of knights in the distance.

On a fateful day, Cedric snapped out of his dreams upon hearing a feminine voice. He was soothed by the lullaby, a blissful sound he never heard before. In all his encounters, Cedric only heard bitter insults and angry remarks, unfamiliar to the sound of kindness. As he listened to the lullaby everyday, he grew to appericate his hibernation. Despite being a half-dragon, he felt an emotion deep within his heart, an emotion that he never thought was possible to experience. A soulmate connection - to a human.

Cedric knew that pure bred dragons have soulmate bonds the moment they are born, but he was unaware that it would happen to a half-dragon. In a panicked moment, his mana rose to unnatural levels and cracked the shell open. He flew out of lake, not daring to look down at Evelyn. It didn't take long before he exhausted his mana and flew down the woods, where humans found him. With his defence down, Cedric expected them to be unlike the ruthless dragons, but they captured him and raised him into combat for mercenary work.


His experience in the mercenary only made Cedric bloodthristy, awakening a thrill that he was addicted to. If he were to revisit those memories as a mercenary, it was a mixture between negotiating into the shadows and battling in sunlight. There was rumours about him having dragon blood, but he concealed his wings by his binder and coat. As Cedric rode on his horse to his new mission, he came across a small lake and an intense longing returned to his heart - an emotion he had forgotten.

His soulmate ability enabled him to smell the scent of Evelyn from a distance and Cedric glanced at the Schwan kingdom from below, where he spotted Evelyn on a balcony. His bloodthrist was an addictive emotion, but nothing could compare to the intensity of his soulmate connection. All of his goals vanished on the spot, instead focusing on getting into her heart. Using his limited half-dragon mana, Cedric imprinted her lullaby into a flower for only Evelyn to hear. Once dusk arrived, he watched as Evelyn followed the sound of the lullaby. Upon smelling the flower, she fell unconscious and Cedric brought her to his tower.

It wasn't always his tower, in fact, Cedric found it in an abandoned state. It appeared to be a princess' tower, which Cedric found unusual that there was only a single tower in the middle of nowhere. Nonetheless, it was perfect for his forever with Evelyn. He placed her in the bedroom and transformed into his dragon form, awaiting for her to wake from her slumber. Cedric planned to pretend to slay himself, to gain Evelyn's trust and adoration, as well as access to the kingdom. The plan worked perfectly, just as he hoped. The king dubbed Cedric as Evelyn's loyal knight.